Provide tools that enable the development of sessions in DVT and adequate reframing for various cases of psychological and physical disorders. The course also has the practical part, where the student will go through regression techniques. What, in addition to providing self-knowledge, will help you first deal with your fears, traumas and conflicts that generate insecurities and that, many times, end up reflecting negatively on your personal and professional life.
We are a family owned and operated business.
What is regression;
Regression types;
Cognitive anamnesis;
Reading the unconscious;
Past Life Regression;
Main authors and their techniques;
Indications and contraindications in DVT;
Demonstration of techniques and group elaboration;
How to change vows of poverty, silence, chastity and war;
Post-session development and tools (affirmations, visual techniques and mental programming) for emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues that will be addressed;
Team practices for the following disorders and beliefs: eating disorders, suicide, inferiority complex and low self-esteem, sexual abuse, stranger in the nest, panic syndrome, interpersonal relationships, prosperity (blocks), spiritual obsession in past and current life , life mission, gifts, recurring dreams, birthmark, physical defects, karmic diseases, difficulty getting pregnant.
We are a family owned and operated business.
DATES: July 18th and 19th, 2020 (1st Module)
NEXT DATES: August 22nd and 23rd (2nd Module) and November 7th and 8th (3rd Module)
TIME: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm - Lunch Break - 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm (Coffee Break included)
SETTING: Joinville Parapsychology Institute (Rua: Otto Boehm, nº 972, Bairro Glória - Joinville / SC)
REGISTRATION: R $ 150.00 (Deposit with Caixa EF - Agência 1554, C / C 1653-5. Option 3)
In case of withdrawal, the registration fee will not be refunded.
INVESTMENT: 5x R $ 640.00 (1 Entry + 4x in Boleto)
* In cash you get 15% discount, check the amount with the Secretariat.
CNPJ: 11. 735.825 / 0001-70
HOURS: 60 hours / class
Profª Gláucia Elena Schatzmann
"CRT 42928 Regression and Past Lives Therapist graduated from SBPI (Brazilian Society of Integrative Psychoanalysis), Facilitator of Regressive Experiences since 1994, Floral Therapist, Tibetan Reiki Master, SSR Reiki, Multidimensional Shamballa Healing Master, Transpersonal Psychology Teacher, Teacher of Discipline of Regression to Past Lives of the Parapsychology Course - (IPCMJ). "
Profª Maria Isolete Berti
"Graduation in Social Communication, with Specialization in Journalism (Univali - Itajaí), Parapsychology and Mental Sciences - Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ), Quantum Apometry I and II (Kaalash - Carina Greco), Reike, Neurolinguistic Programming - Practitioner and Master (IPCMJ), Practical and Clinical Hypnosis (AECEH - Fábio Puentes), Iridology Level I - Post-Graduation in Neuropsychology, from the University of Araraquara (Uniara), Professor of the Discipline of Memory Regression of the Parapsychology Course - (IPCMJ ). "
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Conheça a Facilitadora
Profª Maria Isolete Berti
"Graduação em Comunicação Social, com Especialização em Jornalismo (Univali – Itajaí), Parapsicologia e Ciências Mentais – Instituto de Parapsicologia e Ciências Mentais de Joinville (IPCMJ), Apometria Quântica I e II (Kaalash – Carina Greco), Reike, Programação Neurolinguística – Practitioner e Master (IPCMJ), Hipnose Prática e Clínica (AECEH – Fábio Puentes), Iridologia Nível I – Pós-Graduação em Neuropsicologia, pela Universidade de Araraquara (Uniara), Há mais de 10 anos é professora das Disciplinas de Regressão de Memória e Terapia de Vidas Passadas e Coordenadora do Estágio Supervisionado do Curso de Qualificação Profissional em Parapsicologia - (IPCMJ).
INÍCIO: 01 e 02 de julho
PRÓXIMAS DATAS: 05 e 06 de agosto – 18 e 19 de novembro.
MENTORIAS ONLINE: 20/09 e 18/10 – das 19h as 21h - via Zoom
HORÁRIO: 08:00 às 12hrs – Intervalo Almoço – 13:30 às 18:00 (Incluso Coffee Break)
MATRÍCULA: R$ 250,00 - Pix CNPJ 11735825000170
INVESTIMENTO: 5x R$557,80 para Alunos e ex alunos PSI - Boleto
5x R$600,00 para não alunos - Boleto
CARGA HORÁRIA: 80 horas/aula
FACILITADORA: Profª Maria Isolete Berti
Há mais de 10 anos é professora das Disciplinas de Regressão de Memória e Terapia de Vidas Passadas e Coordenadora do Estágio Supervisionado do Curso de Qualificação Profissional em Parapsicologia - (IPCMJ).