Joana D 'arc Darli
Adriana Floriano
Psychologist and Parapsychologist! Graduated in Psychology at Associação Catarinense de Ensino - ACE - 2008; Qualification Course in Parapsychology by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ). Training in Hypnosis Technician at the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville - Fábio Puentes (IPCMJ). Master's Degree in Neurolinguistic Programming from the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville - Pallú (IPCMJ). Postgraduate in Transpersonal Psychology at FIES (UNIPAZ). Drawing and Painting training at Escola Fritz Alt - House of Culture of Joinville. Specialization in Biopsychology - Instituto Visão Futuro. Training in Therapeutic Mandalas by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville - IPCMJ. Training in Reiki I and II by the Institute of Parapsychology CMJ Active participant in the Parapsychology Association Sérgio Rodrigues Fonseca - APSRF. Founder of the Luz do Amanhã Institute: which offers Quantum and Transpersonal Treatments. Training in Iridology by the Institute of Parapsychology CMJ - Carlos (IPCMJ). Training in Numerology by the Institute of Parapsychology CMJ - Eduardo (IPCMJ).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Ana Luiza Valente de Oliveira
Psychologist based at the Municipal Secretariat of Social Assistance of Itapoá working in the High Complexity. Graduated in psychology from UTP (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná); Post-graduation in Therapeutic Psychodrama from the Instituto Paranaense de Psicodrama; Postgraduate in systemic family therapy by the Institute of therapy and studies of family and couple in Curitiba. Masters Degree in Couple Therapy by Intercef. Postgraduate in community therapy by Intercef. Specialization (Latto sense) in special education with an emphasis on inclusion by PUCPr. Specialization (Latto Senso) in socio-family approach: An interdisciplinary perspective for social work with a degree in higher education from the integrated Spiritist Faculty Training in conciliation and conflict mediation by the TJSC judicial academy (CEJUR) Mediator of conflicts in the district forum of Itapoá Training by SINASE (National System of socio-educational measures) in “Training matrix” with performance in socio-educational measures Training in parapsychology and mental sciences at the Institute of Parapsychology and mental sciences of Joinville. Graduate student in analytical psychology at UNIVILLE
Joana D 'arc Darli
Abelardo Perseke Junior
Graduated in Civil Engineering - UFP, Postgraduate in Materials Science, Training as a Parapsychologist IPCMJ - He started mental training with baptism in Freemasonry at the age of 9. He studied in a Hebrew school, knowing the Torah, the Talmud and the foundations of Kabbalah. He entered Kardecism as a fortune teller, and participated in Umbanda rituals. He became a yogi, participated in the Little Death ceremony and was later initiated by a Bramacharia master like Kriyavan.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Carlos Eduardo Domingues Gomes
Graduated in Biological Sciences (in training) - Uniasselvi. Parapsychology - Joinville Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences (IPCMJ). Hypnotherapy and past life therapy by the Association of Hypnotherapists of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis and Regression. Iridology - by the Havid Center / Jean Monet University / Dorimo Center. Naturopathy - by the National Institute of Applied Naturopathy. Master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming - (IPCMJ) - Post-Graduation in Neuropsychology, from the University of Araraquara (Uniara).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Gláucia Elena Schatzmann
Regression and Past Lives Therapist graduated from SBPI (Brazilian Society of Integrative Psychoanalysis), Facilitator of Regressive Experiences since 1994, Floral Therapist, Tibetan Reiki Master, SSR Reiki, Multidimensional Shamballa Healing Master, Training in Transpersonal Psychology.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Cintia CB Raulino
Master Coach and expert in Ericksonian Coaching (IBC), Ericksonian hypnotherapist (ACT), parapsychologist (IPCMJ), certified in Positive Psychology (Sofia Bauer Center), NLP Master Practitioner (SBPNL), numerologist (IPCMJ), family constellator (Apex Development Humano e Ipê Roxo), human development trainer (Iluminatta), Health & Wellness Coach (Carevolution), graduated in Physiotherapy (FURB), post-graduated in English Language (FURB), Psychopedagogy (UNISOCIESC), Philosophy and Self-knowledge (PUC RS ). Postgraduate student in Transpersonal Psychology (Instituto Izen). Postgraduate teacher (Católica SC), Professor of Mental Reprogramming (Instituto Mente), trainer in human development, life coach and transpersonal therapist.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Claudiomir Selner
University professor (UDESC, FLT and IPCMJ) with training in the areas of Computer Science (undergraduate and postgraduate at master's level), Administration (postgraduate at specialization level, master's and doctorate), Neuropsychology (postgraduate in level of specialization) and free courses in Mental Sciences (Hypnosis, Psychology and Parapsychology).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Eduardo Onófrio Carvalho
Graduation in Pedagogy - (UNIASSELVI), Postgraduate in Philosophical Counseling from Instituto Claretiano. Postgraduate in Philosophy applied to Self-Knowledge by PUC / RS. Professional in Parapsychology by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ), Biopsychology by the Instituto Visão Futuro, Hypnotherapy and Past Life Therapy by the Association of Hypnotherapists of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis and Regression.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Enir Darlete Beckhauser
Graduation in Psychology (ACE), Post-Graduation in Parapsychology with Emphasis on Mental Sciences by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ / ICPG / ASSEVIM). Training in past life therapy and complementary techniques (IPCMJ), Tibetan Reiki level I, II and III (Institute of Parapsychology & Holistic Space Portal), Hypnologist (AECEH), NLP Practitioner Course (IPCMJ) and Practical Course in Hypnosis and Regression (Association of Hypnotherapists of the Brazilian Society of Hypnotherapy and Regression).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Fábio Ricardo Rusch
Graduated in Occupational Therapy by ACE (2008). Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology (ACE); Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy I (ACE); Kinesiology (ACE). He was Internship Supervisor in the Occupational Therapy Course. in hospital and social contexts. He currently manages projects in the social area and hospital supervision. . He teaches Therapeutic Activities and Resources II, Kinesiology and Biomechanics, Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy II and Clinical Neurology Professor of Genetics and Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology at IPCMJ. Post-Graduation in Occupational Therapy: A Dynamic View in Neurology offered by the Salesian Faculty of Lins in Lins.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Educational coordinator
Joana D 'arc Darli
Graduation in Psychology (ACE), Post-Graduation in Parapsychology with Emphasis on Mental Sciences by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ / ICPG / ASSEVIM). Training in past life therapy and complementary techniques (IPCMJ), Tibetan Reiki level I, II and III (Institute of Parapsychology & Holistic Space Portal), Hypnologist (AECEH), NLP Practitioner Course (IPCMJ) and Practical Course in Hypnosis and Regression (Association of Hypnotherapists of the Brazilian Society of Hypnotherapy and Regression).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Josué Casemiro de Oliveira
Graduation in Physical Education (Santo André SP) Post-graduation in Global Therapeutic Physical Re-education from the University of São Paulo (USP), Projectiology from the Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology and Higher Center for the Study of Consciousness (CESIEC) in Canada.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Luiz Arthur Rangel Cyrino
Graduated in Medicine at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR); Specialization: homeopathy by the Paraná Homeopathic Medical Association; Specialization in Occupational Medicine Universidade São Francisco (SP); Master's degree in Neuroscience with a concentration in neurophysiology and behavior from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Maria Isolete Berti
Graduation in Social Communication, with Specialization in Journalism (Univali - Itajaí), Post-Graduation in Neuropsychology, from the University of Araraquara (Uniara). Parapsychology and Mental Sciences - Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ), Quantum Apometry I and II (Kaalash - Carina Greco), Reike, Neurolinguistic Programming - Practitioner and Master (IPCMJ), Practical and Clinical Hypnosis (AECEH - Fábio Puentes ), Level I Iridology.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Mauricio Yanez Alves da Silva
Graduation in Psychology from Faculdade Tuiuti (UTP), Postgraduate in Transpersonal Psychology from Faculdade Espírita (FIES), Graduated in Parapsychology and Mental Sciences (IPCMJ), Chromotherapy Course, Bach and Saint German Flowers, Reiki level I, II and III . Clinical Psychology Course (Clínica Porto Seguro) and Post-Graduation in Higher Education Methodology (Faculdade Internacional de Curitiba). Postgraduate in Integrative and Complementary Therapies from Universidade Positiva (UP).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Mário José Raimondi
Priest. Degree in Philosophy (UNIFEBE - Brusque), Bachelor of Theology (CES - Center for Higher Studies of the Society of Jesus) and FACASC - Catholic University of Santa Catarina) - Florianópolis; Parapsychology and Mental Sciences (IPCMJ), Courses: Access the Bars, LIMIT Coaching in Group, Practitioner in NLP.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Mario Sergio de Almeida
Graduation in Business Administration (Universidade Positivo - Curitiba), Graduate Studies in Accounting and Finance (UFPR), Graduate Studies in Higher Education Methodology (UFPR), Parapsychology and Mental Sciences (IPCMJ / ICPG / ASSEVIM), Hypnotherapy by the Brazilian Institute of Hypnology (Luiz Crosera), Hypnos Clínica (Dr. Rui Fernando Cruz Sampaio), Armstrong Institute (Murillo Cucatto), IPCMJ (ProfºAntônio Almeida), Association of Clinical and Experimental Study of Hypnosis (Fábio Puentes).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Nilza de Oliveira Bonsenhor
Graduated in Applied Naturology at the Federal University of the South of Santa Catarina (UNISUL), Postgraduate in Parapsychology with Emphasis on Mental Sciences at the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ / ICPG / ASSEVIM). Specialist in Transpersonal Psychology (ITECNE), Hypnosis and Regression (Brazilian Association of Hypnotherapy and Regression), Practical and Clinical Hypnosis (AECEH). Deeksha Giver, Floral Therapist and Psychotherapist for 12 years, Iridology Course.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Paulo Roberto Dantas
Graduation in Physics (Universidade Estadual de Maringá), Electrical Engineering (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná) and Clinical Psychoanalysis (FATEC). Teaching in Higher Education (UNIBEM), Telecommunications Administration (FESP) and Consciousness Studies (UNIBEM).
Joana D 'arc Darli
Tarcísio Roberto Pallú
Graduation in Letters from Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (UNIANDRADE), Parapsychology and Post-Graduation in Consciousness Studies from the Faculty of Bio-Psychic Sciences of Paraná (FIES), Parapsychology from Rhine Research Center (RRC) in the United States.
Joana D 'arc Darli
Vera Lúcia Bortoluzzi
Qualification Course in Parapsychology by the Institute of Parapsychology and Mental Sciences of Joinville (IPCMJ). Improvement course in Parapsychology with emphasis on Mental Sciences by the Educational Association of Vale do Itajaí-Mirim and IPCMJ. Master Course in Neurolinguistic Programming by IPCMJ. Meditation Course - Louise Hay Institute- Santa Monica USA.